Kamis, 18 Desember 2014

Ladongi, February 17 2013

Assalamu alaikum wr.wb,,,,,,
The honourable the head of UPTD  DIKMUDORA ladongi
The honourable the head of SMA N 1 Ladongi
The honourable the speaker of this agenda “Mr. justi Bieber from England”
The honourable the chief of English camp
My beloved brother and sister who are happy

Firstly, lets say thanks to our god Allah SWT, the lord of the world, the lord of moeslem in the world who has been giving us his blessing and mercy so that we can gather in this place without something wrong happen. Amiiin,,,,

Secondly, solawat and salam to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, the lord moeslem in the world who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness period.

Ladies and gantlemen,
 Here, I’m Rahma Sari Putri and my beloved partner Anita Rahayu, we as the master of ceremony in this opening ceremony will guid this opening ceremony. But before going to start our agenda let me explain the agenda schedule of this opening ceremony.
·         The first agenda is opening
·         The second agenda is reading the holy qur’an
·         The third agenda is speeches by some speakers
·         The fourth agenda is praying
·         The last agenda is closing

Ok, lets open this program today by saying Basmalah,..
Thank you very much.,.

Ladies and gantlement,
Now,  we are going to step second agenda, namely reading the holy qur’an that will be read by brother Handoko. For brther Handoko time is yours.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to the next agenda, namely speech by some speakers.
·         The first speech is the chief of English camp, for Mrs. Sri wahyuni time is yours
·         The second speech is the head of SMAN 1 Ladongi. For Mr. azan bakri s.pd.M.M time is yours
·         The third speech is the head of UPTD DIKMUDORA Ladongi. For Mr. Akkas G. S.Pd time is yours

The next agenda is praying that will be read by brother M.Santoso. for brother M.santoso time is yours.

Ladies and gantlement, we are going to the last agenda, namely closing. Lets close this program by saying Hamdalah.

Well, Ladies and gantlement,
That’s all our program in this opening ceremony. For the next, please forgive us if there any mistakes, thanks for the attention and Wassalamu Alaikum Wr.Wb,,,,,

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